Trends in the development of heavy infantry conveyors

Already during World War II, many countries used not only light armored personnel carriers - mostly semi-alarmed, for example, German SD.KFZ. 250/251, or American M2 / 3/5/9 - But also heavier, better protecting machines, built on the basis of tanks and self-propeller, for example, Canadian Kangaroo. After the end of the war outside Israel, heavy trucks did not use much popular, but it seems that today such cars are experiencing Renaissance.
Most armored personnel carriers in the world armored people are currently relatively light wheel structures (most often 8x8, less often 6x6), weighing less than 24 tons, or, as a rule, even lighter tracked machines (M113, MT-LB). Some of them are universal machines available in options classified as BMP (especially wheeled machines such as Rosomak), others are used with typical BMPs (such as M2 Bradley or Marder), from which they differ weaker weaker and armor. They have different tasks, as a rule, in addition to the role of "taxi", delivering soldiers on the battlefield, they serve as armored sanitary cars, scouts, artillery observation machines, carriers of a wide range of special equipment, etc. Typical conveyors have a number of advantages: Low, at least theoretically, the cost of purchase and operation, simplicity of production, allowing mass use even in less rich countries. However, they have a very significant drawback - a low level of ballistic and mineral protection, usually not exceeding 3 according to Stanag 4569a / B. This means that such machines are subject to destruction or serious damage, and thus the enemy can relatively easily destroy the whole Infantry detachment, Pttur, radar battlefield or destroy ammunition.
The growing requirements of the battlefield and an increase in the possibilities of anti-tank infantry weapons (anti-tank grenade launchers), infantry combat vehicles (increased gauge of weapons, increasingly effective ammunition for automatic guns and fighters of ptur with greater armor), mass use of homemade explosive devices (STU) in asymmetric conflicts and The spread of the use of cassette artillery ammunition with cumulative submissions prompted designers in several countries to create heavier and armored vehicles for transportation of infantry, also based on tanks. The most famous are Israeli aircraft Achzarit and Namer as one of the few serial. Both were created in the building of the arms management of Israel's defense for the restructuring of the main combat tanks, but with another approach.