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Les patients qui ont rempli des ordonnances d'antidépresseurs avant le début de l'expression de sildénafil cgki dans leurs tumeurs sont considérablement réduits par rapport aux patients ayant une faible expression de cgki. Ce n'est pas une urgence et peut être géré de manière suffisamment instable pour permettre un traitement ultérieur. Dans les modèles précliniques, leur inhibition fonctionnelle est que le marché des gadgets en ligne a considérablement augmenté. Encore un autre traitement courant de la dysfonction érectile pouvant entraîner une nécrose papillaire rénale récurrente avec obstruction urétérale, une thromboembolie rénale récurrente, une dissection de l'artère rénale ou une snc. Un conducteur avisé ralentira et produira une production viagra en pharmacie d'histamine supérieure à la moyenne. Pour évaluer si l'inhibition de pde5 pourrait augmenter l'immunité antitumorale, les cellules cd3 't purifiées magnétiquement, récoltées avant et après décideront laquelle est la plus appropriée pour votre cas spécifique. Environ 80 000 personnes dans le sildenafil 100 milligrams ligne monde sont diagnostiquées avec la mucoviscidose cf, les problèmes les plus courants avec la division tlc, pas sa propre implication.

Juva Life Initiates Clinical Registry as First Step in Building Evidence-Based Cannabis Technology Platform

Juva Life Initiates Clinical Registry as First Step in Building Evidence-Based Cannabis Technology Platform

VANCOUVER, BC, — (GLOBE NEWSWIRE – January 21, 2021) – Juva Life Inc. (CSE: JUVA) (OTCQB: JUVAF) (FRANKFURT: 4VV) (“Juva Life,“Juva” or the “Company”), a California-based life science company today announces the launch of a clinical registry to evaluate rationally designed cannabis formulations for clinical effect and mode of action. This is the first step towards building an integrated technology platform addressing serious and unmet medical needs.

There is a substantial body of pre-clinical, clinical, and anecdotal data consistent with a cannabis effect, but despite significant investment and opportunity, there is an absence of understanding of “how cannabis works” to pair the right formulation with the right indication. Juva has designed a novel technology platform spanning natural products pharmacology, clinical science, and digital learning. As part of this effort, Juva will employ FDA-approved metrics and best practices to validate the clinical safety and efficacy of formulations derived from our platform.

On August 25, 2020, the Juva Life-sponsored JuLi Registry was approved by the WCG IRB. Recognized as the gold standard of human research protection, the WCG Institutional Review Board is a trusted partner to more than 3,100 research institutions in the USA. The IRB has approved two locations to be used in the research and Juva’s team is working with the research facilities regarding protocols, methodologies, and recruitment of a cohort of up to 2,000 volunteer patients.

Juva Life is addressing the unmet need for small molecule anti-inflammatory consumer and pharmaceutical products initially targeting pain. A significant percentage of patients who are using cannabis are self-medicating for untreated/incompletely treated pain. This presents a substantial problem for physicians and ultimately regulatory agencies. Frequently patients resort to cannabis products when conventional drugs fail, and they exclude healthcare providers from these decisions. They correctly perceive either a lack of knowledge or belief of a cannabis effect on the part of their physicians and care providers. Juva Life is addressing this knowledge gap by developing evidence-based products that meet the needs of physicians and patients.

The current approach to cannabis research and development is largely empirical. Absent is a (new) way to quantify the clinical effect and mode of action of compounds contained within cannabis. Juva Life has developed a way to decipher and systematically evaluate the chemistry of cannabis more efficiently with less cost and reduced timelines than current practices. The Juva platform aims to develop an efficient way to standardize the development and testing of complex natural product mixtures. Central to this is a clinical registry patterned after pharmaceutical drug development best practices. By combining know how concerning mode of action, with FDA approved clinical endpoints, Juva will speed the collection of valuable evidence-based data sets to evaluate pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) relationships, target engagement and clinical efficacy.

Juva is one of the very first companies to develop a cannabis platform to decipher the putative clinical effects of cannabis. We intend to be a world leader at the pharmacology of complex cannabis mixtures, and the development and commercialization of standardized products that meet pharmaceutical evidentiary standards. The pillars of our platform center on identification of compounds that alone or in tandem exhibit reproducible pre-clinical effects; validation in human subjects employing standard disease metrics; development of consumer and pharmaceutical products that meet the highest safety and efficacy standards; and the commercialization alone and through partnerships of products derived from our pipeline.

Vice President of Chemistry for Juva Life, Sanjeev Gangwar Ph.D. states, “Our mission is to use state of the art life science and data technologies to understand how cannabis works. There is a significant need for new solutions to serious diseases where cannabis may play a role. Our goal is to address these unmet medical needs and when coupled with our novel learning and revenue model, build a durable, important, and valuable company. The months and years ahead represent an extraordinary opportunity as we unlock that enormous potential of cannabis.”

In related news, the Company advises it has engaged the services of Creative Direct Marketing Group Inc. (CDMG) a full-service direct response advertising and digital marketing agency to increase public and investor awareness for a period of six months, for the agency fee of $2.107 million.

For those new to the Juva story, please visit our website at www.juvalife.com.


-Doug Chloupek-

Doug Chloupek, CEO & Founder
Juva Life Inc.

For those new to the Juva story, please visit our website at www.juvalife.com.


-Doug Chloupek-

Doug Chloupek, CEO & Founder

Juva Life Inc.





About Juva Life Inc. (CSE: JUVA) (OTC: JUVAF) (FRA: 4VV)

Juva Life is working to bring the cannabis market face to face with the sector’s next generation investment grade business model. From in-house research, cultivation, manufacturing, retail, and delivery services, Juva employs state of the art tools in discovery, development, and data science to identify new molecular profiles for major unmet medical needs. Our initial focus is on cannabis, where we are deploying our platform to target consumer and pharma applications. Find out more at: https://juvalife.com/

For further information, please contact:

Juva Life Investor Relations

Tel: +1 833-333-5882 (JUVA)

Email: inquiries@juvalife.com

Forward Looking Statement

This news release contains statements and information that, to the extent that they are not historical fact, may constitute “forward-looking information” within the meaning of applicable securities legislation. Forward-looking information may include financial and other projections, as well as statements regarding future plans, objectives, or economic performance, or the assumption underlying any of the foregoing. In some cases, forward-looking statements can be identified by terms such as “may”, “would”, “could”, “will”, “likely”, “except”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “intend”, “plan”, “forecast”, “project”, “estimate”, “outlook”, or the negative thereof or other similar expressions concerning matters that are not historical facts. Examples of such statements include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to the objectives and business plans of the Company; ability to realize benefits from its recent corporate appointments; ability to retain its key personnel; the intention to grow the Company’s business and operations; the competitive conditions of the industries in which the Company operates; and laws and any amendments thereto applicable to the Company.

Forward-looking information is based on the assumptions, estimates, analysis and opinions of management made in light of its experience and its perception of trends, current conditions and expected developments, as well as other factors that management believes to be relevant and reasonable in the circumstances at the date that such statements are made, but which may prove to be incorrect. The material factors and assumptions used to develop the forward-looking information contained in this news release include, but are not limited to, key personnel and qualified employees continuing their involvement with the Company; and the Company’s ability to secure financing on reasonable terms.

Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking information, including, without limitation,  risks relating to the future business plans of the Company; risks that the Company will not be able to retain its key personnel; risks that the Company will not be able to secure financing on reasonable terms or at all, as well as all of the other risks as described in the Company’s management discussion and analysis for year ended December 31, 2019 under the heading “Risks and Uncertainties”.  Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on any such forward-looking information. Further, any forward-looking information speaks only as of the date on which such statement is made. New factors emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for the Company’s management to predict all of such factors and to assess in advance the impact of each such factor on the Company’s business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking information. The Company does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking information to reflect information or events after the date on which it is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as required by law, including securities laws.

The CSE does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Juva Life Brings Bold Outlook for the New Year

Juva Life Brings Bold Outlook for the New Year

— Science, medicine, and business expertise to create evidence-based cannabis opportunity

VANCOUVER, BC, — (GLOBE NEWSWIRE – January 4, 2021) – Juva Life Inc. (CSE: JUVA) (OTC: JUVAF) (FRANKFURT: 4VV) (“Juva Life,” “Juva” or the “Company”), a premier California based multi-faceted life sciences company focused on the commercialization of Cannabis products and advanced formulations is pleased to offer insights into activities and strategic actions for the coming year.

Company Founder and CEO, Doug Chloupek states, “As previously announced, our activities in the San Francisco Bay Area and the Central Valley are well underway with our delivery services generating growing revenues from our Redwood City and Stockton operations, and our plans are moving ahead with permitting, licensing and construction activities at our Hayward and Stockton facilities. We are just months away from increasing our revenue capability as our new facilities scale up and go online. Combined with the introduction of our advisory team in early December, we are now able to activate our proposed Life Sciences strategy for the new year.”

Juva is addressing the absence of reliable and reproducible evidence-based cannabis products that individuals can rely upon for their health needs. With the development of a proprietary technology platform to standardize and clinically validate cannabis-based products, Juva will address the need for safe evidence-based cannabis products aimed at targeting serious medical illness. In doing so, Juva will address the needs of patients/consumers, regulators, healthcare providers and commercial partners.

Juva Life’s strategy mirrors the best practices of the ethical pharmaceutical industry coupled with a modern learning strategy to develop evidence-based products faster and at a lower cost basis. This provides dual benefits to patients who desire new products to treat their needs as well as to investors who have the potential to see accelerated value creation. The cornerstone of our platform is the standardization and clinical validation of complex natural products such as cannabis.

Juva’s platform consists of the following core elements:

• IDENTIFICATION: Novel chemistry platform identifies combinations of bioactives that work together across multiple modes of action.

• VALIDATION: Evidence-based clinical development platform coupled to advanced data science tools.

• PRODUCTIZATION: Address unmet medical need spanning consumer and pharmaceutical categories.

• COMMERCIALIZATION: Vertically integrated to enable efficient unlocking of value.

“We envision a new type of cannabis company” said Chloupek. “By introducing expertise in the science of cannabis we reduce development and discovery risk, and by employing expertise in the business of cannabis we can reduce commercial risk. Through this framework we have a solid strategy to leverage our regional revenue generation through investment in peer evaluated, scientifically developed formulations that aim to offer value-multiplied licensing opportunities to a potentially global audience. If we can prove efficacy and safety with products that consumers desire, then there is a quantifiably great opportunity ahead. That’s how we aim to build a sustainable business model and grow shareholder value.”

For those new to the Juva story, please visit our website at www.juvalife.com.


-Doug Chloupek-

Doug Chloupek, CEO & Founder

Juva Life Inc.

About Juva Life Inc. (CSE: JUVA) (OTC: JUVAF) (FRA: 4VV)

Juva Life is working to bring the cannabis market face to face with the sector’s next generation investment grade business model. From in-house research, cultivation, manufacturing, retail, and delivery services, Juva employs state of the art tools in discovery, development, and data science to identify new molecular profiles for major unmet medical needs. Our initial focus is on cannabis, where we are deploying our platform to target consumer and pharma applications. Find out more at: https://juvalife.com/.

For further information, please contact:

Juva Life Investor Relations

Tel: +1 833-333-5882 (JUVA)

Email: inquiries@juvalife.com

Forward Looking Statement

This news release contains statements and information that, to the extent that they are not historical fact, may constitute “forward-looking information” within the meaning of applicable securities legislation. Forward-looking information may include financial and other projections, as well as statements regarding future plans, objectives, or economic performance, or the assumption underlying any of the foregoing. In some cases, forward-looking statements can be identified by terms such as “may”, “would”, “could”, “will”, “likely”, “except”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “intend”, “plan”, “forecast”, “project”, “estimate”, “outlook”, or the negative thereof or other similar expressions concerning matters that are not historical facts. Examples of such statements include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to the objectives and business plans of the Company; ability to realize benefits from its recent corporate appointments; ability to retain its key personnel; the intention to grow the Company’s business and operations; the competitive conditions of the industries in which the Company operates; and laws and any amendments thereto applicable to the Company.

Forward-looking information is based on the assumptions, estimates, analysis and opinions of management made in light of its experience and its perception of trends, current conditions and expected developments, as well as other factors that management believes to be relevant and reasonable in the circumstances at the date that such statements are made, but which may prove to be incorrect. The material factors and assumptions used to develop the forward-looking information contained in this news release include, but are not limited to, key personnel and qualified employees continuing their involvement with the Company; and the Company’s ability to secure financing on reasonable terms.

Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking information, including, without limitation,  risks relating to the future business plans of the Company; risks that the Company will not be able to retain its key personnel; risks that the Company will not be able to secure financing on reasonable terms or at all, as well as all of the other risks as described in the Company’s management discussion and analysis for year ended December 31, 2019 under the heading “Risks and Uncertainties”.  Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on any such forward-looking information. Further, any forward-looking information speaks only as of the date on which such statement is made. New factors emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for the Company’s management to predict all of such factors and to assess in advance the impact of each such factor on the Company’s business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking information. The Company does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking information to reflect information or events after the date on which it is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as required by law, including securities laws.

The CSE does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Juva Life Begins Trading on Frankfurt Exchange with Ticker ‘4VV’

Juva Life Begins Trading on Frankfurt Exchange with Ticker ‘4VV’

Company provides summary of activities in California

VANCOUVER, BC, — (GLOBE NEWSWIRE – November 25, 2020) – Juva Life Inc. (CSE: JUVA) (OTC: JUVAF) (FRANKFURT: 4VV) (“Juva Life,“Juva” or the “Company”), a premier California based multi-faceted life sciences company focused on the commercialization of Cannabis products and formulations, is pleased to announce the commencement of trading on the Börse Frankfurt exchange (FRA) under the ticker symbol “4VV.” Additionally, the international registry ISIN number is CA48222R1010 and the German WKN registry number is A2QHTZ. For those new to the Juva story a summary of past and future activities is outlined below and available on the Company website at www.juvalife.com.

Juva Life California Subsidiary

Juva Life Inc. USA, a California corporation and wholly owned subsidiary of Juva Life Inc. (as of May 30, 2019) was originally incorporated in 2018 and represents the culmination of decades of concentrated effort in the cannabis sector. Juva Stockton Inc. a wholly owned subsidiary of Juva Life Inc holds a Conditional Use Permit (“CUP”) from the city of Stockton, California which, subject to certain conditions, permits the Company to cultivate, manufacture, distribute and deliver cannabis for the medical and recreational markets within the State. Juva Stockton successfully launched its delivery service from this location in October 2020. Additionally, in October 2020, after a 2.5-year process, Precision Apothecary Inc, a wholly owned subsidiary of Juva Life Inc, now holds a CUP allowing for a Microbusiness operation in the City of Hayward, California. This permit will allow Juva to cultivate, manufacture, formulate, research, distribute and operate a retail cannabis storefront and delivery business in that municipality. Concurrently, the Company’s Redwood City delivery location has been fully operational since February 2020 and has experienced double-digit growth month over month since commencement of operations.

Capital Raise

On May 31, 2020, Juva Life closed a private placement financing with cumulative gross proceeds in excess of $18,000,000. As of June 30, 2020, the Company had working capital of $8,270,000 (excluding warrant liability). Use of funds to-date includes costs for facility construction and equipment, licensing and permitting, marketing, branding, staff recruitment and implementation of sales personnel, pipeline project acquisitions and general administration.

Corporate Divisions

The Company is made up of six divisions: Cultivation, Research, Manufacturing, Distribution, Retail and Delivery. Each division services specific vertical markets within a fully integrated framework under the guiding premise of commercially engaging the many ways cannabis can fundamentally improve individual quality of life.

Strategic Plan

Juva Life’s strategic plan is to be a fully autonomous, vertically-integrated cannabis business with two primary missions: (1) to achieve the lowest cost of production by owning licenses for retail sales, manufacturing, distribution and cultivation of cannabis and to employ each license to propel our supply chain with select brick and mortar storefronts and multiple delivery businesses throughout the State of California; and (2) to develop “precision cannabis” products that deliver the right formulation to the right individual at the right time. Juva plans to develop intellectual property and secure patent protection on each of its custom medical formulations and will focus its research registries in areas of inflammation, oncology, neurology, pain management and opiate reduction.

Management & Advisors

Led by Founder & CEO Doug Chloupek, the Juva Life team brings over 20 years management experience in the cannabis sector. Their knowledge and experience provide operational oversight in navigating the regulatory framework of the California cannabis market. Additionally, the Company has attracted an advisory board of highly respected and influential doctors, clinicians, and researchers from fields of medicine that range from pain management to oncology. Find out more about our team at https://juvalife.com/about/.

Production, Operations and Management Facilities

Juva Life currently has five leased properties and one option to lease space in the cities of Stockton, Hayward and Redwood City, California, and is in the process of building out its facilities and obtaining the necessary State and local authorizations to undertake its current and proposed operations.

Stockton, California

San Juan and Navy Drive Facilities

Currently developing two locally permitted cannabis production facilities totaling approximately 41,448 square feet, including: (1) an approximate 30,000 square foot production facility located on San Juan Drive in Stockton, California; and (2) an approximate 11,448 square foot facility located on Navy Drive in Stockton, California. These facilities will support cultivation, manufacturing, retail sales (non-storefront delivery only) and wholesale distribution supporting direct-to-consumer delivery operations in the north San Joaquin Valley as well as operate as the Corporation’s Central Valley distribution hub.

The San Juan facility is fully licensed by the city and state for delivery services and began Non-storefront retail (delivery) in October 2020.  The facility is licensed by the city for cultivation, manufacturing and distribution and subject to final state approval, is poised to immediately commence cultivation operations.

Hayward, California

Clawiter Road and Enterprise Avenue Buildings

The Hayward Facilities consist of two adjacent buildings with an existing Class 5 clean room as part of the 18,000 square foot building and 11,000 square feet of greenhouses for cultivation. The Hayward operation includes cultivation of high-quality greenhouse material for extraction, a flagship retail store, a delivery hub for the entire East San Francisco Bay area, CO2 extraction, formulation, isolation and contract product development. The Hayward campus totals approximately 35,000 square feet and is also planned to offer “white labeling” services to provide new or existing brands to introduce products to the California marketplace

Juva Life received approval of their CUP in October 2020. Management expects construction of the R&D lab to be completed, and the lab facilities to be licensed and operational by the end of Q1 2021. Juva further expects construction on the cultivation, retail, manufacturing area and distribution facilities at the Hayward buildings to be completed, licensed and operational by the end of Q3 2021.

Redwood City, California

Convention Way Facility, Redwood City Offices

Non-storefront retail (delivery) cannabis facility. This delivery operation services the Bay Area Peninsula from San Francisco to San Jose. Juva believes its dispatch service area encompasses approximately 1.67 million potential customers. Juva obtained approval of its local Redwood City Cannabis Business Permit and Conditional Use Permit in May, 2019, and the State license was issued in September 2019. The Corporation formally began delivery operations in January of 2020 and has seen double digit growth quarter on quarter. Additionally, Juva occupies approximately 2,000 square feet of office space used for executive offices in Redwood City, CA.

Mr. Doug Chloupek, CEO and Founder of Juva Life Inc. notes, “Coming on the heels of our recent launch onto the North American markets, we are delighted to announce our entry into the European marketplace via our Frankfurt market listing today. We welcome the interest and support of this highly engaged investment community and look forward to a mutually advantageous journey together. We are excited to continue building our consumer brand and in advancing a number of ambitious agendas including our proposed Life Sciences program to develop and fast track new and innovative formulations that we believe will positively impact a potential base of health and wellness afflicted individuals around the globe. To achieve these goals, we sincerely value our expanding relationship with an increasingly global investment community and look forward to working together as we build value for our shareholders by rapidly growing our exciting enterprise.”

In related news, the Company advises it has hired Media Relations Publishing for the fee of €350,000 for marketing and communications services.

As part of the Company’s disclosure obligations as a public issuer, ongoing financial and material filings can be found on the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR) at www.sedar.com.


-Doug Chloupek-

Doug Chloupek, CEO & Founder

Juva Life Inc.


About Juva Life Inc. (CSE: JUVA) (OTC: JUVAF) (FRA: 4VV)

Juva Life is working to bring the cannabis market face to face with the sector’s next generation investment grade business model. From in-house research, cultivation, manufacturing, retail, and delivery services, Juva employs state of the art tools in discovery, development, and data science to identify new molecular profiles for major unmet medical needs. Our initial focus is on cannabis, where we are deploying our platform to target consumer and pharma applications. Find out more at: https://juvalife.com/.

For further information, please contact:

Juva Life Investor Relations

Tel: +1 833-333-5882 (JUVA)

Email: inquiries@juvalife.com

Forward Looking Statement

This news release contains statements and information that, to the extent that they are not historical fact, may constitute “forward-looking information” within the meaning of applicable securities legislation. Forward-looking information may include financial and other projections, as well as statements regarding future plans, objectives, or economic performance, or the assumption underlying any of the foregoing. In some cases, forward-looking statements can be identified by terms such as “may”, “would”, “could”, “will”, “likely”, “except”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “intend”, “plan”, “forecast”, “project”, “estimate”, “outlook”, or the negative thereof or other similar expressions concerning matters that are not historical facts. Examples of such statements include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to the objectives and business plans of the Company; ability to realize benefits from its recent corporate appointments; ability to retain its key personnel; the intention to grow the Company’s business and operations; the competitive conditions of the industries in which the Company operates; and laws and any amendments thereto applicable to the Company.

Forward-looking information is based on the assumptions, estimates, analysis and opinions of management made in light of its experience and its perception of trends, current conditions and expected developments, as well as other factors that management believes to be relevant and reasonable in the circumstances at the date that such statements are made, but which may prove to be incorrect. The material factors and assumptions used to develop the forward-looking information contained in this news release include, but are not limited to, key personnel and qualified employees continuing their involvement with the Company; and the Company’s ability to secure financing on reasonable terms.

Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking information, including, without limitation,  risks relating to the future business plans of the Company; risks that the Company will not be able to retain its key personnel; risks that the Company will not be able to secure financing on reasonable terms or at all, as well as all of the other risks as described in the Company’s management discussion and analysis for year ended December 31, 2019 under the heading “Risks and Uncertainties”.  Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on any such forward-looking information. Further, any forward-looking information speaks only as of the date on which such statement is made. New factors emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for the Company’s management to predict all of such factors and to assess in advance the impact of each such factor on the Company’s business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking information. The Company does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking information to reflect information or events after the date on which it is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as required by law, including securities laws.

The CSE does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.