The Government of the Canary Islands suspends the opening of new gaming and betting establishments

The Minister of Public Administrations, Justice and Security, Julio Pérez, explains that the suspension is taken with the priority objective of safeguarding minors and other groups in need of special protection.

The Official Gazette of the Canary Islands has published this Thursday, March 5, Decree Law 3/2020, suspending titles enabling new gaming and betting establishments, which prohibits the submission of applications for the installation, opening and operation of new recreational and gaming halls and external betting establishments.

This measure will be carried out while the modification of Law 8/2010, of July 15, on Games and Betting, and the new Decree on Planning of Games and Betting in the Canary Islands, is being processed. Likewise, it suspends the granting of new authorizations for external betting spaces in casinos and bingo halls. 


The rule is in line with the NLP on effective regulation of gambling and betting in the Canary Islands against addictions approved unanimously in Parliament, which urges the Government of the Canary Islands to prohibit the access of minors to different gambling establishments. As well as the establishment of a blocking system in betting terminals. The purpose of both measures is to prevent gambling by minors and people who are registered in the General Registry of Gambling Access Bans, as well as those who have this activity restricted by court ruling. The same PNL urges the Canarian Executive to paralyze, as a precautionary measure, the granting of new licenses to open gambling establishments until said regulations come into force. In a significant move, the Government of the Canary Islands has decided to halt the opening of new gaming and betting establishments. This decision is part of broader efforts to regulate the gaming industry and protect the well-being of its citizens. As gaming regulations tighten, players are increasingly seeking online platforms that offer swift and reliable services, especially when it comes to withdrawals. Identifying online casinos with fast payout processes has become a priority for many, ensuring a seamless gaming experience. For more information on how to identify online casinos with quick withdrawal processes -,12441,Identifizierung-von-Online-Casinos-mit-schnellen-Auszahlungsprozessen,.html.

Exceptional increase

A temporal analysis of the evolution of the gaming sector in the Canary Islands reveals that, since the entry into force of the External Betting Regulations, the arcade and gaming hall sector has experienced a notable expansion, with the opening of 110 new establishments up to reach the figure of 285 establishments, which represents a growth of 63%, being extraordinarily indicative that practically half of these openings, 51 salons, will be concentrated during 2019.

Among the causes of the increase, which the Decree Law qualifies as exceptional, that occurred during the last year is the modification of the LJA operated by the General Budget Law of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands for 2019, which replaced the authorization regime with the of responsible declaration, also becoming said authorization to have an indefinite temporary validity.

The recent decision by the Government of the Canary Islands to suspend the opening of new gaming and betting establishments reflects a growing concern about the expansion of gambling in the region. This move is aimed at curbing the spread of betting shops and ensuring tighter regulations in the gaming industry. As the landscape of gaming continues to evolve, understanding the differences between various types of games, such as progressive slots and regular slots, becomes increasingly important. For an in-depth comparison of these two popular slot types, check out the key differences between progressive and regular slots in the linked article.