Klaschka: Pioneering Electronic Components and Systems for Over 50 Years


In the ever-evolving landscape of industrial automation and machinery, one name has stood out for over half a century – Klaschka. This article delves into the remarkable journey of Klaschka, a company that has been at the forefront of developing and manufacturing electronic components and systems. From their headquarters in Neuhausen, Germany, to the global stage, Klaschka has been a pioneer in the industry, with a legacy of innovation and quality.

A Legacy of Excellence

Klaschka GmbH & Co.KG, formerly known as Klaschka GmbH & Co.KG, has been a prominent player in the world of electronic components since its inception. For over 50 years, the company has consistently delivered cutting-edge solutions that drive automation, precision, and reliability in various industries. Their dedication to excellence has earned them a stellar reputation in the field.

The Product Range

Klaschka's product range is as diverse as it is innovative. They specialize in the development and production of a wide array of electronic components and systems, including sensors, measuring relays, controllers, double-sheet detectors, and sheet thickness sensors. These components are essential for tasks such as positioning and inspection, control and regulation, as well as error detection.

  1. Sensors: Klaschka's sensors are designed to provide accurate and reliable data for automation systems. They come in various types, catering to different needs, including proximity sensors, inductive sensors, capacitive sensors, and more.
  2. Measuring Relays: Measuring relays are crucial in maintaining the safety and efficiency of industrial processes. Klaschka's range of measuring relays ensures that vital parameters are continuously monitored and controlled.
  3. Controllers: Klaschka's controllers are intelligent systems that help manage and regulate machinery and processes with precision. Their logical programmable controllers are known for their German engineering excellence.
  4. Double-Sheet Detectors: Double-sheet detectors play a vital role in preventing costly errors in material handling. Klaschka's detectors are highly sensitive and accurate, ensuring double sheets are immediately identified and addressed.
  5. Sheet Thickness Sensors: Maintaining the right thickness is critical in various manufacturing processes. Klaschka's sheet thickness sensors are designed to offer unparalleled precision, ensuring the desired thickness is consistently achieved.

Innovation at its Core

What sets Klaschka apart is its commitment to innovation. The company introduced the world's first inductive non-contact switch, a groundbreaking development that revolutionized automation in numerous industries. Additionally, Klaschka was the pioneer in the creation of the first logic programmable controller of German origin. These innovations have solidified Klaschka's position as a leader in the industry.

Global Impact

Klaschka's electronic components and systems have found applications worldwide. They have been integral in the automotive industry, where precision and reliability are paramount. Moreover, the manufacturing and industrial sectors have benefited greatly from Klaschka's products, enabling seamless automation and quality control.


In the dynamic world of electronic components and automation, Klaschka has been a constant force of innovation, excellence, and reliability for more than five decades. With a rich history of pioneering developments and a wide range of high-quality products, Klaschka continues to shape the future of automation. As the world progresses, Klaschka stands ready to lead the way, ensuring that industries remain efficient, productive, and error-free. Klaschka - the name you can trust for electronic components and systems that set the industry standard.

Intricately woven into the fabric of industrial automation, Klaschka is not just a name; it's a legacy.