Movie news of the last century #003

Videofilm, together with the UK, is starting to produce a full-length TV movie about Boris Pasternak. Dramatic episodes will be combined in the picture with archival documents and interviews with family members and friends of the poet. The $1.6 million project was developed by the company "Entilope Films". The English company provides the right to show the film in video salons. Directed and written by Andrey Nekrasov. The alleged performer of the role of Pasternak is Alexander Kaidanovsky.

The voice of actress Imbi Valgemae became a symbol of the "optimistic" era of the 40s - early 50s for Estonians. But the dramatic fate of this woman turned out to be the exact opposite of her image. The story of the actress will be recreated at Tallinnfilm by director P. Simm in his film "The Man who did not Exist".

Again after the tape "The Sixth of July" director Yu. Karasik turned to Lenin's theme. He is going to start a publicistic reflection film "Lenin - the Last years", where the events of the 20s and the people involved in them will appear in the light of today's approach to the facts of history.

Risking his life, Captain Sanjar, the hero of the TV movie "Muskal", created at Turkmenfilm, will enter into a fight with the bigwigs of the drug business, the mafia and corrupt police officers (director X. Narliev). Perhaps Sanjar will become no less popular than Captain Cattani from the Octopus.

At Georgia-Film, in the association headed by Tengiz Abuladze, it is planned to create a grandiose film gallery under the conditional name "XIX century", which would reflect the events of Georgian history from the signing of the Treaty of St. George to 1907, when the "great epoch" ended. In this multi-part feature documentary, the viewer learns about the lives of great Georgian writers, poets, educators, public figures whose work benefited the Fatherland... Several directors will work. The shooting is designed for four to five years.

The film "Tsentrnauchfilm" "Vladimir Solovyov: about the latest events" will tell not so much about the biography, but about the views, worldview of the Russian religious philosopher V. Solovyov. The creators of the picture — screenwriter A. Romanovsky, director R. Chiruk, cameraman A. Gorelov — they are trying to focus attention on the issues that the outstanding thinker touched on in his latest work "Three Conversations". These are the problems of war and peace that are still exciting today, the government's relations with the people, the topic of society's intolerance towards people who think unconventionally. Solovyova, whose name has been under an unspoken ban for many years, is played — both in his youth and in old age — by a young actor B. Madyanov.