This Morning in New York (2014). Review
The film from Phil Robinson gives ambivalent impressions, this is even confirmed by the distributors' actions — the two titles are "Angry in Brooklyn" and "This Morning in New York," as they say, choose for yourself. But there are still more positive emotions, because this story cannot leave you indifferent.<br />
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There are only 90 minutes left to live for the main character, the mischievous old man Henry Altman, who simply drove the young doctor to hysteria with his questions. In fact, everything was not so hopeless, but the patient had already escaped, and strive to live the last minutes with maximum benefit. <br />
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Robin Williams, the performer of the role of the crazy old man in "This Morning in New York," as always, showed how professionals work. It's just a pity that it was his last role. His energy and inexhaustible insight fills every frame of the film, he is in a hurry, he wants to make it because he is afraid that he will never reconcile with his son and will not find a common language with his wife. <br />
The doctor who pronounced the verdict tends to follow him. She must fulfill her duty as a doctor and return the patient to the clinic, thus saving his life. But she's always one step behind, allowing Altman to become even more disillusioned with life. <br />
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In the end, he decides to commit suicide, and then she caught up with him. It was in this scene of "This Morning in New York" that Mila Kunis revealed herself as a dramatic actress. Before that, she had only smoked a joint and done something stupid.<br />
The only negative in the karma of this film is the presence of vulgar jokes and sex scenes in the back room. It is strange that when they are available, the project has a children's rating of "12+". Otherwise, it's a life story about intemperance and mistakes, about the meaning of life and the understanding that it will end sooner or later, so why complicate everything with quarrels and insults. Do you have any more to watch or not? Believe me, the answer here is unequivocal — YES!<br />
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